Maybe he likes to be
listened to by the deaf girl,
the way she watches
each word begin deep
beneath his facial muscles
before it even becomes
a thought. He likes to see
her turn her entire body
toward him, square her
shoulders as though
she’s about to listen with her heart.
When she’s ready, she lets him know
he has her full attention. She’s
focused. She takes a breath.
She lets him know she’s
ready to have this conversation,
just as an astronaut is ready
to step onto the moon
or a cloud is ready
to burst open with attentive rain
and he’s forgotten what he
wants to say but wants so badly
to move his lips.
Maybe he likes to be
listened to by the deaf girl,
the way she watches
each word begin deep
beneath his facial muscles
before it even becomes
a thought. He likes to see
her turn her entire body
toward him, square her
shoulders as though
she’s about to listen with her heart.
When she’s ready, she lets him know
he has her full attention. She’s
focused. She takes a breath.
She lets him know she’s
ready to have this conversation,
just as an astronaut is ready
to step onto the moon
or a cloud is ready
to burst open with attentive rain
and he’s forgotten what he
wants to say but wants so badly
to move his lips.